Words cannot express my gratitude to God for bringing...

Words cannot express my gratitude to God for bringing Christian Science into my life, and for the good it is doing for all mankind. I do not think anyone was more in need of Christian Science than I. I was very unhappy and also a physical wreck, weighing only eighty-four pounds. My first healing was that of a stroke. I lost the use of my limbs entirely. A friend, whom I knew very slightly, called to see me that very day. She asked if I would be willing for her to help me. I replied, Yes, if she thought she could. I was healed physically in two treatments. From then on I became interested. Although I could not understand the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I clung to the simple texts that God is Love and God is good. It took a year for me to decide to take a certain step that brought me out of darkness into light.

My daughter has had a great many healings of contagious diseases, such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox. She was healed so quickly it was never necessary for her to be quarantined. The only slow healing we had was that of eczema. The trouble lasted several months. But when the healing came the eruption vanished in a few days and has never returned, and it is now about eight years since she had it. Our non-Scientist friends kept saying, "Oh, it is sure to return!"

I have been interested in Christian Science for thirteen years, and have realized in those years that God is a very present help in time of trouble, and that Christian Science is a practical religion, which will meet our everyday needs. It does not matter how small the problem, or how large, if Christian Science is properly applied. Also, during these years I have never lost one day of work through sickness, although one summer I was ill during my two weeks' vacation, and needed eight treatments to bring me to myself. I walked the floor one whole night declaring "the scientific statement of being," as found on page 468 of Science and Health. My healing came the next day.

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October 29, 1927

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