Among the Churches

Current Notes

Jamaica, New York (First Church). —Services are now being held for the first time in the new Sunday school unit of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Jamaica, New York, at 89-12 One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Street. The building, the Sunday school, and the Reading Room are colonial in design and beautiful in their simplicity. The furnishings and fixtures were especially designed for this style of architecture. A sense of harmony predominates.

Long Island Daily Press

Winona, Minnesota (First Church).—The church at the corner of Main and Sanborn Streets will again be used as a place of worship here. The church will be the new home of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Repairs on the church will be started immediately by the Church of Christ, Scientist, which is expecting to move from its present location. The most extensive alteration in the former German Methodist church will be the putting on of a new roof.


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Admission to The Mother Church
January 8, 1927

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