A number of years ago, when I was suffering from a sense...

A number of years ago, when I was suffering from a sense of terrible mental depression and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I turned to Christian Science for help. I thought I was looking for physical and mental relief, but soon realized that I was finding God. The loving help that was given me I recognized at once to be from a divine source, for my thought was being led out of the physical and material into the blessed realization of the spiritual and eternal. I had been mentally bruised and battered by the hardness of mortal belief, and was indeed glad to be taught the way out of this erroneous state. Those who helped me were willing to make great sacrifices of time and endeavor to teach me of my divine inheritance; and this proof of their unselfed love gave me a glimpse of the Love that is God.

I had had very severe sick headaches from childhood; these have been entirely overcome by persistent effort. I was also healed of pyorrhea; and have had through the years many other demonstrations of God's love for His children.

I became a student of Christian Science at once after my first visit to a practitioner, and now rejoice in having corrected at least some faults of disposition. I enjoy the privilege of being a member of The Mother Church and a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and of being an active worker in the latter. I am deeply grateful for the loving life of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy; for the church organization which she established, with its many activities; and for her works on Christian Science, together with the periodicals, which will continue to bless and heal mankind.

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Testimony of Healing
With a grateful heart I wish to testify to a healing which...
June 26, 1926

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