Good Morning

It is said that a certain French count began the day by wishing himself the following "Good morning": "Bonjour, Monsieur le comte; there are great things for you to do to-day!" Surely in all the world's history there were never greater things to be done than there are now, and there were never better equipped men and women to do them than those who are striving to follow the words and works of the master Christian, Christ Jesus. And what a happy thought, that we, like the French count, should begin the day by wishing ourselves a "Good morning"! We all need it. If we begin the day by filling our waking thoughts with good,—with joy, gratitude, and a sincere desire to help others more than we have ever done before,—we are wishing ourselves the best kind of "Good morning"; and it brings untold blessings and opportunities into the coming day.

There are many Bible stories of angels who came to speak with men. These angels brought loving, helpful messages, and announced their presence with glad greetings. Those to whom the angels came must have turned their thoughts constantly towards good, to enable them to hear the glad greetings. So we, too, should ever open our thought to good, that we may be prepared to hear the messages which God has for each of His beloved children every moment of the day.

On page 298 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy writes, "Angels are pure thoughts from God;" and if our waking thoughts are held persistently to these angels, we are building a strong defense for the day against the false, wandering, sinful beliefs which might try to stray into and find a place in our thought.

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Paths of Peace
June 6, 1925

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