Signs of the Times

[From the Mercury Herald, San Jose, Calif., Jan. 13, 1924]

Judging from his [Jesus'] words recorded in the gospels it is apparent that his mission and message have regard to the people in this life, not in some other; his commandments and precepts are to be incorporated in the lives of men while in this world. The whole Sermon on the Mount, the most sublime code of ethics ever given to men, is all plainly to be applied to the conduct and intercourse of men here. There is in it not one word that will bear any other interpretation. And the same is true of the lessons conveyed in his parables and in his precepts. His admonition to us to keep his commandments has reference to our life in this world. Otherwise, neither the admonition nor the commandments have any meaning. Of the message conveyed in his life and works it is the same. The gospel record says, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." No hint here that he has reference to life in some future state.

Moreover, no part of his message is merely to the few to whom it is recorded as having been personally addressed. It is addressed to all men of every age and nation. His words, life, and works are a universal appeal to the heart of humanity for more love, righteousness, truth, and justice in the daily life and conduct of all men in all time. Otherwise how shall Christianity, as he is represented as having taught and lived it, ever come to dominate the world, which it must do if ever peace and righteousness are to rule among men?

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August 30, 1924

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