In an editorial printed in your issue of March 7, under...


In an editorial printed in your issue of March 7, under the caption, "As a man thinketh," the opening sentences, given without quotation marks or credit, are as follows: "Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling-clothes, thought expands into expression." These words are taken from page 255 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. They form the opening sentences of the chapter on Creation in that work. Christian Scientists are pleased at this recognition and approval of a portion of Christian Science teaching. They are always pleased to share with others the good things which have come to them. The writer assumes that you were unaware that the two sentences mentioned were taken from a copyrighted work, and that you will be glad to print this brief explanation.

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