Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1923

For the County of Northumberland, England.

The duties of Committees on Publication are clearly outlined in the Manual of The Mother Church, and may be summarized briefly as follows: (a) to correct impositions and injustices, as stated in Article XXXIII, Section 2, of the Manual; (b) to guard the rights of Christian Scientists against restriction by public authority, this duty having been conferred in accordance with Section 6 of Article I of the Manual; (c) to render any other service that may be requested in accordance with the same By-law.

The newspaper work during the year has needed a considerable amount of attention. The most notable instance arose when a prominent Nonconformist minister, early in the year, announced a series of sermons on Christian Science. In his first discourse he declared he would continue to preach against it until it was stamped out. After he had delivered five sermons, the Committee succeeded in getting a lengthy reply into two evening newspapers which were well circulated. The minister had not then completed the series of sermons announced; and it is satisfactory to note that he has not again returned to the subject.

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Promoting True Brotherhood
January 26, 1924

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