The teachings of Christian Science, from beginning to...


The teachings of Christian Science, from beginning to end, uphold the highest standards of Christian rectitude, and nothing short of right thinking and right acting can satisfy the demands of this Science of Christianity. In the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 213) by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, the metaphysical fact is stated as follows: "As a man spiritually understandeth, so is he in truth." One's inmost thoughts and beliefs determine his character and experience. If he thinks sinfully and commits murder, he is no less than a sinner and a murderer, and no amount of thinking that murder is right can make it right. There is a sharp distinction between material belief and spiritual understanding. A person may believe that to be right which is not right, but he can never really know or understand what is not true.

Spiritual understanding reveals the truth, and results from the faithful study of Christian Science, giving its possessor keener powers of discernment, wherewith his judgment in the matter of what constitutes right and wrong becomes increasingly more accurate as he progresses in his understanding of spiritual truth. Christian Science is most practical and helpful in acquiring a higher sense of right. It rejects sin by correcting the misconceptions which induce sin, encouraging the deluded sinner to reform by showing him the deceptive nature of sinful beliefs and how sin and its effects may be forever overcome through reformation of character by righteous thinking and living. Christian Science teaches the importance of aiming at high ideals, the necessity of honesty and integrity of purpose, and Christian motives in action and thought. "A dishonest position," says Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health (p. 448), "is far from Christianly scientific;" and on the same page she also says, "It is Christian Science to do right, and nothing short of rightdoing has any claim to the name."

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June 30, 1923

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