I had been suffering for several years from severe pains in...

I had been suffering for several years from severe pains in the head, which the doctors claimed to be due to neuralgia. After having a number of teeth extracted, which were thought to be the cause of this condition, I was induced to visit a specialist, who said the cause of the pain was abscesses of the frontal sinus and antrums (nasal cavities). He operated several times, but the relief was only temporary; each time that I caught a cold I would again suffer from those terrible pains.

It was in February, three years ago, that I was confined to my bed and kept under the influence of morphine for about a week. The doctor, being asked what could be done, said another operation was the only remedy. I had almost been an atheist, and had ridiculed Christian Science many times, but in desperation I asked a friend who was visiting me one Wednesday evening to call a practitioner in the morning. Instead of waiting until morning, he got in communication with a practitioner on his return home. Help was asked for, and treatment was begun immediately. Upon the return of my friend with several passages of the Bible for me to read, he found me asleep, the first sleep I had had in a week. When my wife awakened me, to read the Bible, all pain had left. I had been healed instantaneously.

The small Bible that my son used for Sunday school was lost, and the only one we could find was an old German family Bible, which had been stored away in the attic. I read this with considerable difficulty, as I had forgotten nearly all my German teaching. The following Monday I went to work, working in mud and icy water, as I am a bricklayer and we were starting a foundation.

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January 13, 1923

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