I have long wanted to express my gratitude for Christian Science

I have long wanted to express my gratitude for Christian Science. I have had many physical healings, for which I am very thankful. The realization of the ever-presence of divine Mind has helped me very much in memorizing music. I am very thankful for the Christian Science Sunday School, which is such a beautiful channel for the unfolding of divine Love. But most grateful am I that I am able to speak of God, with Paul, as He "who hath delivered us from the power of darkness." The truth has surely lighted my way when all my thought seemed dark.

I am truly thankful for the understanding of Truth which Christian Science has brought to me.

(Miss)Maryon Pearson, Brawley, Calif.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel very grateful to God for the many proofs of His...
January 6, 1923

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