Among the Churches

Current Notes

Santa Monica, Calif. (First Church).— An architect has just completed designs for First Church of Christ, Scientist, Santa Monica, which will be erected immediately. The church, which will seat five hundred persons, will be in modern Renaissance style, and be constructed of frame with white plaster exterior. The architect has designed a beautiful and imposing building with large pillars and long, stained glass windows. — Highland Park Herald.

Gary, Ind. (First Church). — Ground has been broken for the construction of a house of worship at the northwest corner of West 5th and Fillmore for First Church of Christ, Scientist, to cost twenty-five thousand dollars, and to be used by the congregation until a permanent church building, costing upward of one hundred thousand dollars, can be erected. The congregation owns a site 125 by 125 feet in area; and the present church building will be located so that it can be used for auxiliary church purposes when the permanent church edifice has been completed. — Gary Post-Tribune.

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September 30, 1922

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