
It would surely be impossible to find any one prepared to say that he has to-day attained to a measure of harmony with which he is perfectly satisfied. All Christian Scientists will readily and gladly acknowledge that they are much happier and more harmonious than they were before they took up the study of divine Science; but not one of them can possibly rest content with the position which has been reached: each has leagues still to travel along the line of light before the goal of perfect happiness shall have been won.

Indeed, the Christian Scientist is often keenly aware of a lack of harmony in himself, often deeply conscious that he ought to be far more Christlike than he is. Why this lack? It is a question which should be looked into. Certain it is that something is wrong somewhere; for, if one is obeying the rules laid down in Christian Science and which govern progress, most assuredly one's life should be gradually becoming more harmonious, and, consequently, happier also. Not infrequently one may go on thoughtlessly submitting to some form or other of inharmony until attention is drawn to the fact. Then he begins to review the situation; gets back to Truth, to divine Principle; sees the erroneous nature of the position, compared with the perfection of Principle; and having seen the error of his ways of thinking, he proceeds anew to live more closely in accord with Truth and Love.

Throughout her works, Mrs. Eddy declares that harmony is synonymous with "heaven." On page 587 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she defines heaven as, "Harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere of Soul." It is obvious from this definition that one's state of harmony is to be measured by one's spirituality. And, in turn, spirituality is proportionate to the reign of Spirit in one's life, or to the extent that one's life is governed by divine Principle. From this it is clear that the more materially minded one is the less harmonious one must be. What a flood of light this throws upon the inharmonious conditions to be found among nations, communities, and individuals! Inharmony is a sure sign of lack of spirituality; and no amount of sophistry can obscure the fact.

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Among the Churches
August 12, 1922

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