[Translated from the German]

With deep gratitude toward God I testify herewith to...

With deep gratitude toward God I testify herewith to the blessing which Christian Science has brought to my family and me. During the summer of 1919 my daughter, not quite twelve years of age at the time, was very ill with peritonitis, which became chronic; complications also became manifest,—heart trouble, pleurisy, and phlebitis. I gratefully acknowledge that the physicians exerted themselves to help my child; but their efforts were without success. The child was very much emaciated. She also had irradiation treatment, but without the desired results. I often cried to God for help, and received it through having my attention called to Christian Science. I received Heralds and Christian Science pamphlets to read; and my child and I immediately felt a deep confidence. Together we went to a Christian Science practitioner; and, although the short way meant great exertion for the child, we knew that God was with us. Loving aid was given, and we did not apply further material means. The physician also ceased to come, because we did not want to heed his advice regarding an operation or with regard to going to a sanitarium, although the child seemed to be worse again.

At that time, I already knew that God could help; and He did,—my child was healed. Three months later she was able to attend school again. To-day my daughter is a healthy child, a living witness to the power of Truth and Love, through which she was healed.

I myself was often ill; and from early childhood had been under a physician's care a great deal of the time. Since searching with my whole heart for God, as revealed in Christian Science, I have been freed from all these inharmonious conditions. Although I know how to prize the physical healings, I am much more grateful for the healing of faults of character, for the spiritual uplift, and for the peace which is in me. My greatest desire is to grow in the knowledge of this truth which makes free, and to advance daily in the service of Truth and Love.

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Testimony of Healing
Many healings have come to me and mine through...
July 15, 1922

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