In your issue of recent date there appears an account of...

South Wales News

In your issue of recent date there appears an account of nightly meetings held at Horbury Church, Notting Hill, London. It is a pity that one who is claiming to heal the sick and the sinning through prayer and "regeneration by faith" should so misunderstand Christian Science and its beneficent mission as to say that it is "of the devil." It is now over fifty years since Mrs. Eddy, after a very close study of the Bible, discovered the divine Principle of all Christian healing. There are millions in the world who are daily studying her works in conjunction with the Bible, and are able, according to their spiritual understanding, to destroy in individual consciousness the beliefs of evil and their effects, and replace them with a clearer understanding of God and man's at-one-ment with Him. Christian Science casts out evil by the spirit of God; and those who are healed thereby know that the kingdom of God has come unto them.

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March 18, 1922

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