I consider it a great privilege to express gratitude for...

I consider it a great privilege to express gratitude for the joy that has come into my life through the loyal work of a Christian Science practitioner, and earnest study of the Bible, in connection with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by that noble woman, Mary Baker Eddy. I have been blessed with many physical healings, the first being the healing of tuberculosis. A kind friend invited me to go to the Christian Science church with her one Wednesday evening. I went there a despondent, hopeless sufferer; but during the meeting, on hearing the testimonies a great hope arose in my heart, and I asked for help. It was given absently that very night; and I arose freed. My joy was boundless. I immediately turned to study these wonderful books, and daily rose in understanding that I did have a God who is Love. What comfort this brought to my darkened thought! A God had been found whom one could trust!

During the influenza epidemic, I was living in Washington, District of Columbia. One morning, on my way to work, I became very ill. Kind people hurried me in an automobile to an emergency hospital. When I realized my surroundings, seeing physicians and nures around me, I directly put into practice what understanding I had of Christian Science, mentally declaring God's presence, and that He was my deliverer from the false belief of pestilence. During the morning, a friend who was informed of my plight came to see me. She took word to a Christian Science practitioner, who began absent treatment at once. The next morning the fever left, and on the third day I was discharged, healed of the "flu." On the fifth day I resumed work with greater trust in the power of God than ever.

Very recently, I had a remarkable healing of congested lungs. A wire was sent to a Christian Science practitioner, and after several days of absent treatment I had the courage to rise from bed and return to my work. Although seemingly surrounded by fearful thinking, I stood "porter at the door of thought" (Science and Health, p. 392) and clung steadfastly to Truth. In a very short time I was rewarded by a perfect healing. Other ailments have vanished during my four years of study; but grateful as I am for these physical healings, I am far more so for a higher concept of God and man. Recognizing God as Father-Mother, I can see more clearly what is meant by the brotherhood of man.

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Testimony of Healing
I desire to express my gratitude for a quick healing...
December 23, 1922

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