While reading the Sentinel I was healed of a very bad cold I had...

While reading the Sentinel I was healed of a very bad cold I had had for a number of days, and was prompted to give my testimony. I have been putting it off for a good many years. Ofttimes the thought would come: Why do you not give yours, perhaps some one would get help from it, the same as you do from those of others. I have been in Science a good many years. First I was healed of what the doctor pronounced tuberculosis, and I had violent hemorrhages at times. I tried doctors far and near but none could help me. They were very kind and did all in their power, but to no avail. At last a friend of mine suggested Christian Science to me. First I made light of it, then I began to think about it, and as long as the doctors could not help, I thought I would try it. I was very miserable and this was to be my last resort. If Christian Science did not help me I would just wait until my time came to go; but thanks be to God for His goodness toward me, to-day I am a well woman and am working every day. I have been helped in a good many ways and have been healed of sick headaches and many other ailments. I am a member of The Mother Church and belong to a Society six miles away. I am very thankful to Mrs. Eddy for her discovery of the truth which the world needs so much, also for her wisdom in providing for us our literature, which is such a help. I want to thank all of the Christian Science friends who have helped me in the straight and narrow way to health and happiness.

(Miss) Ida L. Klampe, Dodge Center, Minn.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with joy that I testify to the good that has come to...
September 25, 1920

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