I am very glad to be able to testify to the healing power...

I am very glad to be able to testify to the healing power of Christian Science. Through the study of the Christian Science textbook by Mary Baker Eddy I have gained a better understanding of God and the Bible; and I have been able many times to demonstrate the protective power of God's promises to us in the ninety-first psalm. I was always considered a delicate child, but as my understanding grows I am gradually, slowly but surely, coming into my birthright of health and happiness, and for this I am deeply grateful.

In the summer of 1918, whilst on a holiday in Wales, I slipped and fell heavily on my left wrist. To sense testimony the wrist was very severely sprained; I found out afterwards by aid of the X rays that the bone had been cracked as well. Fortunatelly, a friend who is a practitioner was present when the accident happened, and very lovingly gave me a treatment immediately. After a few minutes' rest all sense of fatigue, worry, and shock left me, and we were able to go back to the station, about three miles away, quite happily. There was only a slight swelling on the wrist; the fingers remained normal, and in less than three weeks I was using my hand again.

For all that Christian Science means to me I am very grateful.

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Signs of the Times
July 3, 1920

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