It is now more than four years since I began the study...

It is now more than four years since I began the study of Christian Science, and both my thought and my outward circumstances have wonderfully changed. Before that date I was much interested in new thought, theosophy, and spiritualism, but though I found some of these ideas stimulating and vaguely beautiful, they gave me no understanding of how to demonstrate harmony here and now. An attempt I made to gain material advancement along "new thought" lines proved a failure, leaving me in a depressed, confused state of mind, full of self-distrust and beliefs of limitation. Though I did not turn to Christian Science for physical healing, I have not had any experience of sickness since I began to study it; people often remark on my more vigorous appearance, and various trifling ills have disappeared.

I appreciate more and more the wonder of the work Mrs. Eddy was enabled to accomplish. In my own case, Christian Science has made the Bible a practical help to me and given me new confidence in prayer. It has taken the sting from disappointment and filled the future with hope. It has turned tasks and problems into opportunities and privileges. It has taught me better how to love. I think the better understanding of God as Love is to me the greatest of the blessings I have received through Christian Science, but I should like also to say what a revelation the teaching concerning Spirit as substance, and experience in Christian Science, has been to me. My former thought about the things of Spirit was that they were elusive, mysterious, uncertain. Naturally, such beliefs were evidenced in an emotional, secretive, unbalanced, unpractical temperament. Through Christian Science I am beginning to learn how one may become calm, exact, orderly, and reliable by right thinking. I have gradually become aware of a great new force at work in my life and my affairs. In some ways it has seemed a disruptive force, but I see now how all things have worked together for good, and harmony has been made manifest in ways altogether unexpected.

I have had few opportunities of meeting Christian Scientists or attending services; but I have had Science and Health and the other authorized literature, and these have been beyond price. Often when reading some article in the periodicals or pamphlets or some testimony which was specially helpful, I have longed to be able to thank the writers. I do so now, and I hope I shall prove by my life my gratitude to God and to all who have helped me.—(Miss) Jean M. M. Cunningham, Port Patrick, Wigtownshire, Scotland.

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Testimony of Healing
Owing to the many blessings which have come to me...
April 24, 1920

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