I would like to tell what the teachings of Christian Science...

I would like to tell what the teachings of Christian Science have done for me. I hope to help some one as I have been helped by testimonies. When only fifteen years old I began teaching Sunday school in a denominational church. As my education broadened I began to question the inconsistencies taught in the Sunday schools; still I plodded on and did my church duties. When the great test of my life came and ministers told me that God took our child for some good purpose, I openly rebelled and I refrain from contemplating what might have occurred if a Christian Scientists, a friend from childhood, had not written me not to think that God did it. From that minute my regeneration began. I eagerly followed her advice and talked with a Christian Scientist concerning death. I was very thankful to begin to see ever so slightly that God does not cause death, but I grasped more fully the understanding of God as Life eternal when I recently had the great blessing and growth afforded by class instruction. As the true meaning of life dawns upon human consciousness, what a delusion death is seen to be! How could the thinkers have been so mesmerized when the Bible abounds in teachings and experiences proving that man, the idea of God, held forever in divine Mind, cannot die! Nothing but a life devoted to the work of God in Christian Science can express at all my gratitude to our loving and courageous Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for breaking the bondage in which the delusion death seemed to hold me.

Three weeks after my first reading of Christian Science literature, I asked for treatment for a stubborn cough which had baffled several doctors. That was destroyed through the kind and efficient work of a practitioner. Since then, nearly four years ago, I have never used a medical remedy. When I think how full of blessings and joy and health these last four years have been, I deeply regret that I did not know Christian Science earlier. Gratitude fills me every time i read a periodical prepared by our own Publishing Society or think of how our Directors and the activities of The Mother Church help us so lovingly. Through these ideas of divine Mind we begin to appreciate God's love for man and Mrs. Eddy's obedience to God.

(Mrs.) Grace Comfort Nares, Corning, N. Y.

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Testimony of Healing
I was convinced of the truth of Christian Science by the...
April 17, 1920

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