Christian Science came to me through a friend

Christian Science came to me through a friend. As a result of its study and of applying what I understood, I have been healed completely of bowel trouble from which I suffered for years, also of the desire for drink. For the latter healing I give special thanks, as it seemed as if drink of any kind could not be refused. From childhood I feared the dark and the stillness of night. This caused many sleepless nights and awful illusions that made me almost afraid to move before sleep came; but this has been overcome to a great extent. Colds also seemed a part of me the year round; now I seldom have even a symptom of one. Many other healings are taking place daily, such as the overcoming of selfishness, fear, and anger, as I try to love my neighbor as myself, and to replace evil with good in thought as taught in Christian Science.

Words fail me to tell of my thankfulness to God for this wonderful truth, and my gratitude to our loving Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us how to apply it. I am also very grateful to all who have so lovingly helped me, and for the literature and church services; and I rejoice that I am now able to help others in many ways in my travels.

Mrs. Tommy Hyde, New York, N. Y.

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Testimony of Healing
Hundreds of years ago there sat at the gate called Beautiful...
February 14, 1920

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