Working Out One's Salvation

One cannot work out his own salvation without the resultant benefit and helpfulness to all who come within the radius of his thoughts and acts. While it is exclusively his own salvation that he is compelled to work out, yet it is impossible to work out his salvation selfishly. For in compliance with the Bible's injunction in this respect, the working out of one's salvation is the coming out of every phase of selfishness—every false sense of self. In short, it is the unselfing of a mortal—the elimination of all claims to a power, life, or intelligence apart from God, good, through the understanding of Truth, whereby man's true selfhood is revealed.

Freedom, or salvation, is what mortals are constantly seeking but often it is sought through material means. As Mrs. Eddy says of one seeking thus (Science and Health, p. 427), "Spirit is his last resort, but it should have been his first and only resort." And so in the majority of cases it is some form of bondage or suffering and the failure to find surcease through material methods and cures that ultimately compel one to seek the truth that alone makes free.

As one reads the Bible he finds that he is not only enjoined to take upon himself the working out of his own salvation but he also finds the plan or method clearly set forth in these words of Jesus, "If ye continue in my word ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Since it is Truth, or the knowledge of Truth, that makes free, it is readily evident that if one is experiencing suffering, disease, or any discordant condition, it is not the effect of Truth or anything that is true, but something he has believed and, voluntarily or involuntarily, accepted as true.

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"The reign of righteousness"
October 9, 1920

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