Two years ago I was so ill that the doctors did not think...

Two years ago I was so ill that the doctors did not think I could possibly live more than a week, suffering daily with heart disease, neurasthenia, rheumatism, et cetera. My life had become a misery, and though only twenty-four years of age I had no desire to live, excepting for the sake of those I loved. I wrote to a friend with the desire to say "Good-by" ere I passed on; this friend, however, did not say "Good-by," but filled me with new hope by presenting the truth to me. We went to the Wednesday evening testimony meeting but, to be quite frank, I did not expect to sit through the service, having had an attack only the previous day, and still feeling very ill. During the service the reader read from the Bible, Isaiah 59, "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save;" also Psalms 107, "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses." I knew these words were for me and seemed to be a message from God that if I would only have faith, He would heal me. I at once resolved to give Christian Science a trial and to stick steadfastly to faith in God, for I knew doctors had done all they possibly could for me. My willingness was sufficient, for during that service the healing began, and the next morning I awakened to perfect health and happiness, such as I had never known before. My friend asked me to see a practitioner next day, which I promised to do; but when the practitioner and I had a conversation, she lovingly told me that I did not need her help, but to continue reading the textbook. Since then I have manifested better health than ever before, and those who know me well marvel at the change.

My gratitude to God is unbounded, for I know He has answered my prayers; also to Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us how to love our neighbor; and for the literature, which is ever helpful and refreshing. My life, however, can only express the deep gratitude I feel.

(Miss) Ursula Howard, Watford, England.

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Testimony of Healing
As I have always found the testimonies in the Journal...
October 2, 1920

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