I cannot hope to give full expression to the joy that I...

I cannot hope to give full expression to the joy that I have experienced since coming into Christian Science six years ago. I learned to love God when I first learned that He has always loved me. This revelation changed my whole life. As the love of God was made manifest to me, it seemed too good to last; but we gradually become accustomed to the fact that only good is true and lasting.

While I sought Christian Science help for relief from physical inharmonies, I found something I never dreamed of finding—a religion; and this satisfied the desire of my life. The numerous ailments, which had helped to make my unsatisfied longings a burden in the past, all disappeared one by one—stomach trouble, lameness, eye strain, tendency to take cold, and sleeplessness. For some of these I had taken medicine twenty-five years with no beneficial result. I have learned to take all the wonderful promises of the Bible as intended for me; and have learned that "the word of God is quick, and powerful," healing and regenerating all who understand it.

I feel so grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her devotion and patience in discovering this healing truth; also to the tireless workers everywhere for the redemption of mankind through their application of her teachings. It is a source of great rejoicing to me that all the members of my family have learned to depend on the truth for healing and have found it a never failing remedy. One of them while at the front doing war work and constantly in the midst of sickness, enjoyed health and happiness. I have the pleasure of being a member of The Mother Church and of the branch church in my home town. Christian Science has taught me to love the Bible. I had read it in two languages all my life, but it was like a sealed book until it was unlocked by "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Through a better understanding of the Bible and its practical application to every problem, I have been enabled to take a renewed interest in my work and in the work and welfare of others and have experienced the joy of passing along this wonderful truth, with "signs following," for all of which I am inexpressibly thankful.

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Testimony of Healing
A little over two years ago I turned to Christian Science...
January 17, 1920

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