For some time I have intended to send in a testimony of...

For some time I have intended to send in a testimony of gratitude for the blessings received by myself and my family through Christian Science. My first healing was that of typhoid fever, which was overcome in less than a week. While fellow students suffering from the same disease were out of school from two to three months under medical treatment, I missed just four days. After I finished school, however, I became careless and for a number of years neglected to keep up my study of Christian Science.

Early in January, 1916, our four-months-old daughter was stricken with what is known as infantile paralysis. We took her to a doctor, and under his care she improved until she seemed almost healed, when she contracted a bad cold, and the trouble came back more severe than before. Finally we were obliged to keep her under the influence of drugs to prevent her from having convulsions, and the doctor held out no hopes for her recovery, saying that if she did live she would probably always be a cripple. As a last resort we turned to Christian Science and there was improvement at once, though several months passed before the healing was complete. To-day the child is the picture of health and as lively as a little girl can be. The doctor still marvels over her wonderful and perfect recovery and speaks of it every time he sees her.

We have had many other healings in our family. Croup, influenza, measles, severe headache, earache, cuts, burns, and bruises have all gone to their native nothingness. A felon on my right thumb was healed in one day, and the nail did not come off. Excessive worry over the supplying of our material needs has also been overcome. While there yet remain many problems to be solved, I am very thankful that through the discovery of our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, the way has been pointed out for the surmounting of every difficulty. The teachings of the Bible have also been made clearer. Much gratitude is felt for membership in The Mother Church, and I am very grateful to the editors of our publications. I am the only Christian Scientist in this vicinity, and am always glad when the Sentinel comes, because it contains so many helpful articles.

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Testimony of Healing
From a heart overflowing with gratitude for the many...
January 18, 1919

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