From the Press

[The Living Church]

The problem of democracy is not the problem of getting rid of kings. It is the problem of clothing the whole people with the elements of kingship. To make kings and queens out of a hundred million people: that is the problem of American democracy.

It has a twofold bearing: that of making them kings and queens as individuals and that of merging them all into a composite kingship. The second bearing is dependent upon the first. The citizen king must rule over himself and his environment. He must be so far superior to his environment that he has the chance of self-development and self-expression. This means that the social and economic system of which he is a part must have a place for him and must minister to his development and full self-expression. Just as far as our present social system dooms a man to degradation it is a menace to democracy; and nothing is clearer than that great numbers of people are thus doomed. ...

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Special Announcements
September 28, 1918

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