
It might be said that a Christian Science demonstration is not complete until public acknowledgment has been made as a sign of gratitude. Be that as it may, the statement at least calls attention to the fact that testimonies are a means of grace not only to those who hear but to those who give them, and many have learned by experience that a clearer sense of emancipation from bondage has come through sharing their blessings with others. Surely Mrs. Eddy had a very definite purpose in view when in the program for the Wednesday evening meetings (Manual, p. 122) she provided a place for "experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science." She also says (Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 24): "Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important. More than a mere rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ, 'who healeth all thy diseases' (Psalm 103:3)."

Christian Scientists bear a reputation for quiet, fearless joyousness and a perpetual readiness to give "a reason of the hope" that is in them. The world expects them to live up to an unusually high standard of achievement, for the very good reason that they claim everything for their religion. Many non-Scientists gather their first definite impressions of Christian Science at these Wednesday evening meetings. Some of them are earnest investigators, some are but slightly interested, while still others have only an honest curiosity; but in any case the impressions which they carry away will be favorable or otherwise, largely according to the spirit of loving helpfulness and gratitude which is shown by those responsible for the spirit of the meeting. It is not unreasonable for these visitors to expect that those who claim so much for their religion will be eager to use every available minute in testifying to the power of God, as made available through the understanding of Christian Science, to help them under various circumstances.

Every one of us has been helped by hearing the testimonies of others who have faced problems similar to our own. Many of us have felt as though the healing power of Truth was set in motion for us by the words spoken by another, though the speaker did not realize that he was being used as a channel for a special blessing. Is not the demonstration immeasurably greater in value if it brings healing not only to him who makes it but possibly to a thousand, a hundred, or even one? To be the means of bearing such a blessing to a congregation is to give the cup of cold water which Jesus said should in no wise lose its reward. Certainly a blessing from God accepted gladly, yet hoarded, fails to bring its full fruitage.

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August 10, 1918

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