Our dear Leader has in every way helped us in our...

Our dear Leader has in every way helped us in our journey out of self into an understanding of infinite selfhood—God. Giving testimonies is one of these practical aids, and thankfully I give mine. When I was about five years old, on being brought home from Ceylon to live in Scotland, a tropical complaint seemed to attack me and nothing was found to cure it. About seven years ago I was in very poor health, and this disease had assumed what were called fatal symptoms. My sister kindly asked a Christian Science friend to go to see me and try to get me to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. The lady came one morning. I do not remember anything she said, but I was so impressed by the kindliness of the visit that I accepted the loan of Science and Health and promised to read carefully this book of which I knew nothing. At the time I was heartily sick of trying any remedy for my complaint, I felt so hopeless about my condition.

When my visitor left I took up the book and commenced with that wonderful Preface. I was interested from the first sentence and read on full of joy with what I was reading. This must have gone on for an hour or so, when the children's dinner bell rang. Just then I was on a very spare diet and was staying in a warm room, but at the sound of the bell I put down the book, went to the dining room, took my place at the table, and enjoyed along with others a very solid meal. The children were looking at me and, I thought, wondering what had come to me, so I said, "Children, don't be afraid; I am reading a book on Christian Science, and it shows plainly that God is Love and how to put this faith into practice." I never dieted after that. I found it very hard to give up medicines and material treatment, but they all had to go. I have been healed of chronic internal catarrh in its worst form, anæmia, sciatica, severe sick headaches, and many other things.

I am so glad I can show some of my gratitude by studying Mrs. Eddy's writings and our splendid Christian Science literature, learning how to watch and pray, and how to help those who are becoming interested in Christian Science, also those in trouble who are longing for help. I have had great help from church membership, also from class teaching, and from a Christian Science practitioner. I would like to add that the Christian Science Sunday school has been a great blessing to two of my children.

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Testimony of Healing
One of the many things for which every Christian Scientist...
August 10, 1918

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