I first heard of Christian Science through attending a lecture...

I first heard of Christian Science through attending a lecture several years ago. At the time I made no effort to take up its study, but as the months went by I was getting more and more dissatisfied with my method of living, which corresponded with Paul's description in one of his epistles: "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." At this juncture a friend who was a great physical sufferer secured a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and got relief from its study. Later we began attending the Wednesday evening meeting together, and from then on my interest in the subject grew. With consistent study and the application of its truth I have received many blessings and much comfort. Though never much of a sufferer from physical ailments, those that have cropped up have been successfully overcome. The mental harmony received from even a slight understanding of this beautiful truth and the falling away of bad habits have been the source of great joy to me. Christian Science has made me more loving, patient, and reliant, and by letting my light shine I hope that others will be encouraged to come and share the blessings that all who turn to it receive through its ministration.

Before closing I would like to say how wonderfully helpful the literature of the Publishing Society has been. Many a Bible point has been cleared up by reading the articles appearing therein. One rejoices in a keener sense of man's dominion and freedom over the whole earth (false thinking), and nothing sets this out so clearly as the teaching of Christian Science. I am most grateful that I was led to take up this study.—Cyril P. Bird, Melbourne, Australia.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has been a great blessing to me
August 3, 1918

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