Household Problems

The writer finds Christian Science of inestimable value in dealing with household problems under present conditions. When the sugar shortage was presented to her, she immediately called to mind the account of the widow's cruse of oil, as given in the seventeenth chapter of I Kings. When urged by fear and other agencies to put in a supply of sugar, she refused. She had every opportunity to get whatever she wished along this line, but she obtained the usual week's supply, knowing that when this was exhausted more would be in evidence, if needed.

It is a satisfaction to know that we are taking only what is our portion and placing no obstacle in a brother's way to prevent him from getting his portion also. Our revered Leader tells us (Miscellany, p. 186): "Rest assured that He in whom dwelleth all life, health, and holiness, will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory." She also refers, on page 45 of "Miscellaneous Writings," to "the deific law that supply invariably meets demand." When we realize that God is the real source of supply, no error, however subtle, can disturb us. The writer gets what household supplies seem necessary and does not hoard food, although at all times she tries to follow what our dear Leader has said in regard to true economy. The many references to economy in Mrs. Eddy's writings, also in the Christian Science periodicals, are interesting and instructive. The way in which the writer's needs are being supplied is to her another sure foundation stone of the complete structure of Love.

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