When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...

When I became interested in Christian Science, I was suffering from the effects of a severe accident in which I had been run over by a horse and wagon going at great speed. I found myself, after a gradual convalescence under the doctor's care, condemned to semi-invalidism on account of injuries to the spine, internal organs, and nervous system. A state of hysteria, exhaustion, and constant pain in the spine, head, eyes, and a weakened heart, made my life unhappy and my work as teacher a great burden. Those who knew me at that time realize how wonderful my present state of health is, which has resulted from Christian Science treatment. All this illness seems to me nothing but a dream, as I now have no evidence of these conditions.

I have been healed of blood poisoning in the foot, which had given me a great deal to overcome in the way of fear; also of severe sore throat and of influenza. Divine Love has likewise strengthened me during several bitter experiences in grief. Erroneous characteristics are being overcome, and I am deeply grateful that the constant study of the Bible, Mrs. Eddy's writings, and our periodicals, as well as the great blessing of activity in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, are steady sources of healing. The happiness of following God's guidance according to the way in which His will becomes understood, is giving me an ever strengthening dominion over self.

My thankfulness to God and to Christ Jesus, and my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for so intimately revealing divine Truth to us, can best be expressed through the highest demonstration of Love of which I am capable. It is my earnest desire also to state profound appreciation of the splendid work of the editors of our periodicals and of the ever watchful guidance of The Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church.

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Testimony of Healing
I desire to express my gratitude for a healing experienced...
June 1, 1918

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