As it may help another who is in the same hopeless condition...

As it may help another who is in the same hopeless condition in which Christian Science found me, I would like to tell of my healing. From early childhood I was afflicted with stomach and bowel trouble, for which I took medicine continually. About three years ago I had a serious illness, which lasted many months and from which my friends never expected me to recover. The physicians were most kind but could not give me much relief. I was advised by a friend to try Christian Science and was quite ready to do so. I was relieved at once of the stomach trouble, and began to eat after one treatment. When the practitioner first visited me, I was afraid to eat any solid food. Now I eat everything without a thought of fear. The bowel difficulty was relieved with the first treatment, but afterward troubled me at times, until one day I read this statement in Science and Health (p. 180): "When man is governed by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with God all things are possible." I said to myself, "If that is true, I can rely wholly upon God," and from that time I have been free. Through the study of Science and Health I have gained an understanding of God which I never had before, and I can never be too grateful for all that Christian Science has done for me.

Mrs. Desire B. Gould, Orleans, Mass.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my deep feeling of gratitude for all...
April 13, 1918

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