For some time I have had a desire to express my gratitude...

For some time I have had a desire to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done and is doing for me, and I hope that this experience will help some one who is looking for relief from suffering, and who longs for something better than the false sense of life in matter affords. For about seven years Christian Science has met my needs in the way of physical healing. I have been healed of colds, influenza, and throat trouble of a very painful nature; and glasses worn from childhood have been laid aside almost from the beginning of my study of this saving truth.

About three years ago a very painful condition was overcome; I suppose it would be called inflammatory rheumatism. During this attack, which lasted for about three weeks, I was grateful for the help of a Christian Science practitioner and nurse. I sang hymns or read them by the hour, and when there seemed to be an acute sense of suffering I always received help from the work of the practitioner. I am grateful for the mental uplift and the peace which came to me through this experience, and for the knowledge that Christian Science does heal so-called physical ills. Our Leader says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 265), "The pains of sense are salutary, if they wrench away false pleasurable beliefs and transplant the affections from sense to Soul, where the creations of God are good, 'rejoicing the heart.'"

I know that Christian Science overcomes financial troubles. At the close of one Saturday afternoon I was entirely without money and in need of bread, but through the understanding of the truth gained from the study of the text-book I was able to meet this need, and had money over and above that to give toward the distribution work. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone," and our Leader writes (Science and Health, p. 35), "Our bread, 'which cometh down from heaven,' is Truth."

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Testimony of Healing
After having received for about your years the benefits...
February 9, 1918

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