Having received so many blessings from Christian Science,...

Having received so many blessings from Christian Science, and so much help from the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel, I am writing this in the hope that I in turn may be the means of helping others. A few months ago we went to Canada, and there my little girl, aged five years, saw electric cars for the first time. Owing to nervousness she did not enjoy her first ride, and her fear increased to such an extent that it was positively painful to take her in one. I said before her that I was going to have her treated in Christian Science to overcome this fear, so when we met a practitioner the next day she whispered to me not to forget to ask him to treat her. Christian Science has so often helped her in overcoming all sorts of physical ailments and other troubles, that she has learned to rely entirely on it. The practitioner gave her treatment and in two days there was a marked improvement. A day or two afterwards she was entirely cured of this nervousness, so much so that she would ask to be taken for long rides in the street cars, enjoy them, and laugh at the thought of ever having been nervous about riding in them. She used to be nervous when riding in automobiles, too, but was healed of this at the same time and has been on many motor rides since her return from Canada.

I should also like to tell of how I helped myself on one occasion. One night before going to bed I noticed that the gum around one of my teeth was rather sore. I did not think anything of it, however, and went to sleep, only to awaken in violent pain, which was so intense that the thought came to me to telephone for treatment, but I did not do so, as it was an inconvenient time to call up anyone unless it was absolutely necessary, and I felt that in spite of the pain I ought at least to try to help myself. I therefore began to treat myself in Science, and in about half an hour there was only a dull pain and I was able to go to sleep. Next morning the pain was gone, although the gum was sensitive. I again treated myself, then got very busy over some housework, which occupied me the greater part of the day. When it was finished I felt a dull throbbing again, but this did not discourage me. I held steadfastly to the truth and the pain left me during the eveing. Next morning I could bite on the tooth, and it has given no further trouble.

I am truly thankful to God for His unceasing love and care and to Christ Jesus for showing us the way, also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for revealing the truth to this age. Each difficulty overcome makes one feel more and more man's God-given power for doing good, and unfolds more and more God's kingdom on earth. I am very grateful for the loving help received from practitioners, also for the Christian Science literature.—(Mrs.) Miriam Mascall, Savannah, Barbados, British West Indies.

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Testimony of Healing
The Bible says, "Freely ye have received, freely give."...
December 7, 1918

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