The recognition and understanding of the fact that God...

The News

The recognition and understanding of the fact that God never violates His laws, that despite some one's misguided faith and mistaken zeal they never cease to operate, and that they are perfect and enduring, established "in truth and uprightness," as the psalmist says, places mankind in an intelligent and absolutely right mental attitude toward evil in all its phases. It shows that the seeming existence of the latter is due to a lack of spiritual intelligence, that it is of mankind's own suppositional making,—that is, not of God's making, who is the only real creator,—and that it must be corrected from this standpoint as the only solution of the problem of salvation from evil in all its forms.

Mrs. Eddy says: "It would be contrary to our highest ideas of God to suppose Him capable of first arranging law and causation so as to bring about certain evil results, and then punishing the helpless victims of His volition for doing what they could not avoid doing. Good is not, cannot be, the author of experimental sins. God, good, can no more produce sickness than goodness can cause evil and health occasion disease" (Science and Health, p. 230). In the book of Ecclesiastes we learn that the wisdom of the preacher found "that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions." The Scriptures further show that God made all good, and that "whatsover God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." It is plain, therefore, that to reach a state of uprightness the human consciousness must undo and eliminate its own so-called inventions, made contrary to the laws of God.

With reference to the "digestive processes in man," which the editor declares are governed by definite laws of the creator, Christian Science shows that every law of God is spiritual and universal, the same to every individual, like a rule in mathematics that changes not; while human invention includes a so-called hygienic law which is said to control health and digestion, varying not only with every generation, or faster, as the medical schools change their opinions, which are accepted in turn by those who believe them, but varying also in almost every individual. In Christian Science it is learned that an understanding of spiritual law enables thought to be removed from the body and digestive processes, and to follow Jesus' wise counsel to "take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink," and thus allow digestion of food to go on naturally and easily, with no discomfort whatever.

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