Application and Interpretation

Students of Christian Science from their earliest experience in its healing work begin to discover new and more spiritual meanings in the Scriptures, and in their gladness at finding these they are apt to venture beyond their depth and to give out statements of truth which they have not proved. Even in the work in the Sunday school the questions of the pupils ofttimes lead the teacher to give interpretations for which the scholars are not ready, and yet the desire on the part of teacher and scholar alike is to gain clearer and broader views of the Scriptures. This in itself is entirely commendable, whether it refers to the work of older or younger students of Christian Science; but there is one very important consideration which should never be lost sight of, namely, the need for a practical application of all the truth which we perceive. It may in fact be said that application of the inspired Word precedes its verbal interpretation.

On page 272 of Science and Health our dear Leader says, "The divine Principle of the universe must interpret the universe." On this basis we may also say that the divine Principle of the Decalogue must interpret each part of it for us; and it rests with us, whether we are old or young, to apply the truth as we recognize it. To illustrate, the eighth commandment says, "Thou shalt not steal." This commandment is really protective rather than prohibitive, and at once gives assurance to the Christian Scientist that mortal mind cannot rob him of health, happiness, or life, cannot take from him anything that God bestows upon His child. A very important consideration at this point is to know that our own obedience to this divine command will fit us for applying it ever more broadly at all times and under all circumstances, and thus realizing the limitlessness of divine law.

All the testimonies given on Wednesday evenings at Christian Science meetings the world over, as well as those published in our periodicals, simply show what the application of divine law can do and is doing for humanity. In many instances those who express their gratitude for Truth's healing power tell in simple and sometimes quaint phrasing of how certain passages of Scripture dawned upon thought and dispelled the sense of darkness which temporarily oppressed them. Mrs. Eddy explains this on page 218 of Science and Health, where she quotes the Scripture, "They that wait upon the Lord ... shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Here she says, "The meaning of that passage is not perverted by applying it literally to moments of fatigue, for the moral and physical are as one in their results." In the same manner we may apply all statements of truth found in the Bible to every phase of error which confronts us; and yet when we attempt to give these out to others we are apt to venture too far in the way of interpretation.

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The Lamb of God
June 2, 1917

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