I am indeed grateful for Christian Science and all it has...

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science and all it has done for me. It has given me a God who is always with me, and has taught me to love more and to see man as he is. I came to Science in the darkest hour of my life and was lifted out of darkness into light. I was healed of chronic colds, sciatica, and many other ailments. Before coming into Science I would suffer for days from sciatica, not being able to move without pain. The physician told me there was no cure for it and that I would have to stand it, but through the power of Truth I was healed in one week. I am very grateful for this healing, also for all the Christian Science publications. I am thankful to God for the blessings my family and I have been enabled to receive, and feel deep gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for giving to the world this new-old religion. — Bess C. Shaw, Rockford, Ill.

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October 20, 1917

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