[Translated from the German]

Gratitude prompts me to send in these lines as a testimony...

Gratitude prompts me to send in these lines as a testimony to the many blessings which I have received since becoming acquainted with Christian Science. From childhood I had been very delicate and weak, and later years found me with but little strength, so that any kind of work meant an exertion. The physicians held that the trouble with me was general nervous debility, and they treated me accordingly. In 1911 one of my acquaintances gave me a copy of the Herold to read, and from then on I also had the assistance of a friend who had studied and practised Christian Science for quite a while. I was greatly benefited thereby, and together with this improvement came a constantly increasing recognition that God is an ever present help in our troubles, and that He delivers us from all evil. Because of the realization of this fact, today I feel stronger than I did ten or twenty years ago. Work is no longer an exertion, I have much greater endurance, and there is no trace of nervousness.

After a few treatments in Christian Science I was able to lay aside glasses which I had worn for over thirty years; moreover, I have experienced a great many blessings in my work within the last few years. For all this I feel that I cannot be too thankful to God, and I am also deeply mindful of our revered Leader's work in behalf of mankind, in showing us the way leading unto salvation.

Hermine Boehmer, Duren (Rheinland), Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
I have experienced so many proofs of the power of Truth...
September 25, 1915

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