The Lectures

Jacob S. Shield delivered two lectures on Christian Science for Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist. At the first he was introduced by George Edward Simmons, first reader, who said:—

Lectures of this nature are given from time to time in all parts of the civilized world for the purpose of telling the truth about Christian Science and what it is doing for mankind, and proclaiming to the world that the Christ is risen and is again seen to dwell among men. As Christian Scientists we know that this is true, for we see the sick healed, the lepers cleansed, the dead raised, and devils cast out,—the "signs following" referred to by Christ Jesus.

The introductory remarks of Mrs. Martha Cohn, second reader, at the second lecture, were in part as follows:—

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Testimony of Healing
One year ago, when the writer entered as an inmate "the...
September 4, 1915

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