[Translated from the German]

It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I wish to testify...

It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I wish to testify to the help experienced through Christian Science at a time when I seemed in great need. During the latter part of December, 1914, I was taken ill with severe catarrh and suffered from the effects of contusion of the chest, so that it became impossible for me to go out alone. In fact I had to stay in bed, as I had lost greatly in strength. Then a condition of apathy settled upon me, and I had to have some one with me constantly. My grown-up daughter, who had been healed of gall-stone trouble through Christian Science in 1913, applied to a practitioner, who gave me two present and several absent treatments. After the first present treatment the pain subsided and there was daily improvement. At the time of this writing I am perfectly well, and my appetite is normal. For this wonderful healing I am thankful first to God, and next to Christian Science.

Friedrich Bergmann, Postdam, Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science came into my life at a time of great...
August 21, 1915

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