Such a wonderful demonstration has been made for me in...

Such a wonderful demonstration has been made for me in Christian Science that I wish others to know of it. About nine years ago I was very ill for several months with acute lung trouble, and submitted to an operation for the purpose of opening an abscess in my side. Although I recovered sufficiently to return to school and was comparatively well, this abscess refused to heal under any treatment of doctor or surgeon ; so a second operation was undergone, but to no purpose. After a long course of treatment I was told that nothing more could be done, and nature would have to be left to do the work. For some months I lived out-of-doors and grew stronger, while the abscess apparently healed, but only to break out again in a few months. Thus for several years it continued to discharge,—sometimes it was better, sometimes worse. Then Christian Science was recommended to me by friends, and a few years ago I took up the study of it.

It was nearly a year and a half after my entrance into Science before the perfect demonstration of the healing of my side was made, although I received much benefit mentally and physically during all of this time. Through the loving guidance and work of a Christian Science practitioner, I learned to overcome fear and doubt and discouragement, as I gained in the understanding of God and man's relation to Him. The falsity of many old and cherished material beliefs was uncovered in the light of this clear and convincing truth, before my side was at last perfectly healed.

This absolute proof in my experience of the allness of good and the power of divine Love, has been most wonderful and convincing to me, and I am very grateful, not only for the physical healing, which is small in comparison to the mental uplift, but for my understanding, limited though it is as yet, of divine Principle. For this blessing, and many others, I would express my gratitude to God for Christian Science.—Marie Wilkins, Grand Rapids, Mich.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I testify...
July 24, 1915

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