In a recent issue, comments were made on Christian Science...

The Grand Junction (Col.) News

In a recent issue, comments were made on Christian Science that were misleading. The writer stated that "Mrs. Eddy unfolds the teachings of Christ for the governing of the material man only." Christian Science teaches that man is spiritual, governed by God alone. Humanity has been led to believe that man is material, governed by material laws from which there is no appeal, —a belief which Christian Science has repeatedly proved to be false. A man may believe he has transgressed certain so-called health laws, the penalty of which would culminate in an illness known as a cold. Christian Science has demonstrated beyond question that a man can, in performing his duty, transgress so-called health laws and suffer no bad effects. This is accomplished not by attempting to have God control the material body, but by knowing that man is spiritual, perfect, and free, living under the laws of God, not health laws, and remembering that "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

The contention of this writer that we must gain control of material things before spiritual control is available, is not borne out by the teachings of Jesus. The great Teacher said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." The Bible makes clear that the material is valueless as a steppingstone to the spiritual. God is omnipotent, and to work out His divine purposes He needs no assistance from matter, which, in its last analysis, "is only a thing imagined," as Professor Ostwald of Leipsic university said. Jesus never employed material means as an aid to the spiritual. He proved that the might of Spirit was sufficient to calm the storm, pay tribute money, heal the sick, and raise the dead. He counseled His followers to rely on God alone, and to beware of the illusion that matter, or the flesh, has power to heal or save. We cannot serve both Spirit and matter, both God and mammon. On page 492 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says: "All is Mind and Mind's idea. You must fight it out on this line. Matter can afford you no aid."

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