For a long time I have felt that as I receive so much benefit...

For a long time I have felt that as I receive so much benefit from the testimonies of others, I should also give my experience of what Christian Science has done for me. It is now about twelve years since I first heard of this teaching through a friend who had been suffering from what the medical faculty calls depression. So much did she suffer, and for so long, that she was completely unfitted to take the responsibility of her family. Her husband heard of Christian Science through a business friend, and they decided to have treatment, with the result that she was able to resume her duties and was quite well in about three months.

It was through what I saw done this friend that I began to study the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." All my life I had been a church-member, but at that time I was unable to gain much comfort in my church. I had many sorrows and struggles with the world, having lost my husband at an early age and being left with four small children to bring up and educate. I was never very strong, and suffered for years with severe headaches, which made me at times quite unfit to do much. I did not think a great deal about my condition, for I had so long been accustomed to it that it seemed to be part of my life, but I was very weary of it all. After commencing the study of Science and Health, also the reading of the Christian Science literature, I one day realized that I had not been suffering from headaches for a long time, and they have never returned.

About two years ago I fell on a slippery sidewalk and injured my hip. I was taken home and a Christian Science practitioner was communicated with. Treatment was taken up for me, and though a doctor who was asked to set the bone said I would be in bed for three months and would never be able to walk again without lameness, as a piece of the bone was splintered, still I am thankful to say I was up in five weeks, and after using a crutch for a few days was able to walk as well as ever. I can truthfully say I had very little pain during the whole time, and I certainly am not lame. No remedy whatever was applied, except the truth as taught in Christian Science by Mrs. Eddy,—not a splint or a bandage of any kind; and I never feel the slightest discomfort from my leg in any way.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel like telling the whole world of the wonderful healing...
June 5, 1915

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