From Our Exchanges

[The Christian Register]

A day is coming sooner or later for the regeneration of nations, to bring new life and hope to exhausted and heartbroken peoples. It cannot be done by wailing and gnashing of teeth, or by lugubrous prophets who go up and down crying that the world is soon to come to an end. It is to be done by faith, hope, and charity, and a new spirit of trustfulness and courage. We can all help in the creation of that spirit. It cannot be generated by bitterness, hatred, and mad rivalry, but by patience, tolerance, and mutual forgiveness. The wounds will be long in healing, but new wars and fiercer struggles will fail to accomplish that end. The day is coming when an enlarged sense of brotherhood will dawn. We can all help in bringing in that day. Not by preaching the judgments of God wrought with fire and sword will the day of the new era dawn, but by trying to live as if we were already citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Peace and joy and hope and service are the elements of that kingdom, and the air is good and salubrious for the healing of wounds and the binding up of broken hearts.

[Western Christian Advocate]

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Special Announcements
April 17, 1915

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