Gratitude impels me to tell what Christian Science has...

Gratitude impels me to tell what Christian Science has done for me since I began its study in January, 1911. At that time I was suffering from two diseases, and wearing a surgical appliance. I was reduced in weight, and ate only two meals a day. Then, too, I was in debt and very much discouraged, so naturally quite unhappy. Through the aid of a Christian Science practitioner, however, I gradually saw the nothingness of my ailments; also that I had no need of the appliance, though I had been wearing it for three years under the advice of the physician, who had stated that I might have to wear it permanently. I am now normal in weight, have an excellent appetite, and am in better health than ever before.

To me this was a wonderful demonstration, but wonderful as it was, it was nothing to the peace and joy that came to me through the knowledge that I gained in Christian Science. Heretofore I had been worrying about business affairs, about ill health, and about the future, but when I learned that God is All-in-all, and man His child; that He does care for us, then gradually confidence returned; and I now enjoy a peace and happiness that I never before thought possible to mankind. Through the understanding gained in Science, I paid my debts much sooner than I could otherwise have done; and I want to say, that as a business man, I have been greatly helped mentally, morally, and financially in Christian Science.

For all these benefits, for what the future holds for me in Christian Science, and for the assistance that my friends have rendered me, I am very grateful. I daily give thanks for the good that has come into my life through this wonderful study, and I am deeply grateful to our Leader for showing us the way.—E. H. Archer, Long Beach, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel that I cannot longer delay the expression of my...
March 27, 1915

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