[Translated from the German]

A friend told me of the wonderful teachings of Christian Science,...

A friend told me of the wonderful teachings of Christian Science, and my interest being aroused, I often attended the Wednesday evening meetings. Furthermore, the opportunity was soon to present itself for me to become convinced of the truth contained in these teachings.

Our little boy, then old enough to go to school, was afflicted with scrofula, which manifested itself on the ear—laps and around the nose and mouth; besides, there were hard and very painful spots on his throat. One day the school physician informed us that we were expected to have the child treated on account of contagion, whereupon I asked a Christian Science practitioner to take the case. This was readily done. We then went through a hard testing time, as the child seemed to grow very ill; but the consciousness that God is Love, the only and ever present power, enabled me to maintain a serene attitude. The effect of the truth upon the child was seen in the yielding of the trouble. Much impurity was expelled from the system through coughing and vomiting, and malignant abscesses on the throat and legs broke, but healed almost without pain. This condition lasted about six weeks, after which the recovery of the child was complete; and now he is a big strong boy.

We have had a similar experience in the case of our daughter. She often complained of having headaches, and I endeavored to realize the truth for her; but when a great many small pustules formed on her scalp, I asked a practitioner to take the case. Absent treatment was given; the pustules disappered, and on the back of the head there formed a large swelling, which opened, and much impurity passed from it daily. The child was very patient and firm in her trust that God is ever present and that disease has no power. A bald place formed on her head about as large as the palm of a hand, but through continued treatment in Christian Science the discharge ceased completely, and there was a new crop of hair.

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Testimony of Healing
Since taking up the study of Christian Science I have been...
December 18, 1915

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