Our critic seems greatly disturbed over Christian Science,...

The Star-Journal

Our critic seems greatly disturbed over Christian Science, judging from the space he fills in the press to tell the public his personal opinion regarding it. The reverend gentleman, judging from his newspaper attacks, seems more intent on discrediting Christian Science than on promoting the kingdom of God. I wonder if he has taken stock of the results of his assaults. Has any sorrowing soul been comforted thereby? Has any sick one been healed by his unscriptural attacks on spiritual healing? Has any person's faith in and understanding of the protecting power of God been strengthened by his assumptions that God is responsible for evil, for mortal man, for human want and woe?

Jesus told his followers that they should be known by their fruits. He also told them that through knowledge of the Father they would have the "signs following." Beyond question, in the Master's opinion the crucial test of genuine knowledge of God was the power to heal. When John the Baptist, doubting, sent to Jesus asking if he was the long looked for Messiah, Jesus propounded no theological dogma as evidence of his orthodoxy, for his works were the evidence he relied upon to prove his sonship with God. He answered: "Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached." Can this professed followers of the great demonstrator of God's power to heal and save, point to the same healing works as evidence that he understands the Christianity of Christ Jesus?

Christian Science does not teach that mortals are incapable of sin, as this critic asserts. This charge has been repeatedly corrected in the press. The Scriptures, as well as Christian Science, make a clear distinction between mortal man and the spiritual, perfect man. The spiritual, perfect man, made in the image and likeness of God, does not sin. It was this perfect man to which Jesus alluded when he told his disciples to be "perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Mortal, material man was meant by the prophet when he said, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." All Christian Scientists know that mortals are capable of sin and do sin. In like manner mortals, through blindness and false belief, manifest disease and death. But when the forever fact is seen that the real man is spiritual, the bonds of human belief are broken, and sin, disease, and death no longer have dominion over him. Mrs. Eddy says, "The belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts" (Science and Health, p. 497); but when sin is destroyed through repentance, reformation, and that knowledge of the truth which frees, nothing is left to punish or to suffer, and spiritual peace is an accomplished fact.

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