To those whose healing comes slowly I wish to tell a portion...

To those whose healing comes slowly I wish to tell a portion of my experience. I was six years in getting to a point where I could declare I was in perfect health. When I began to see the sickness as an opportunity to learn more fully through its overcoming that God is the only power, my fear left me, and the truth of God as a God of love was proven to me, as well as to others, as never before. I had to learn to be patient and to love more, and I count it all as part of my blessings. Christian Science held me above the depths, and finally brought me out of all the discordant conditions.

Nothing but God's power could have destroyed the error that bound me. For six months I could not walk or lie down. I had dropsy in a very bad form, and was told by medical science that the vital organs had absorbed considerable water. I was in a serious condition, but with thankfulness to God, and gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, as well as to those who tenderly led me into a higher understanding of God, I can truthfully say that I am absolutely healed.

Hannah S. Davis, Los Angeles, Cal.

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November 27, 1915

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