[Translated from the German]

It is with a sense of deepest gratitude that I wish to testify...

It is with a sense of deepest gratitude that I wish to testify to the wonderful blessings which my twelve year old son has received through Christian Science. After a short bicycle tour in July, 1912, his knees suddenly became very much swollen. A physician whom I immediately consulted pronounced the trouble water on the knee, and resorted to puncturing in order to bring relief; but this proved of no avail and the trouble grew more serious with each day. When after three weeks the boy's legs became quite stiff and deformed, the physician informed me that he was unable to effect a cure, owing to the presence of a tubercular condition. I then took my son to a surgical clinique and had an X-ray examination made, but it seemed impossible to determine the nature of the trouble. Following the physician's instructions I took the boy home seven weeks later, and then tried every means which was recommended to me; but far from witnessing any improvement, inflammation of the hip-joint was added, and the right leg became visibly shorter.

In the latter part of March, 1913, my attention was called to Christian Science, and I applied for treatment from a practitioner, for my son was by this time a very sick boy. With one week's treatment there was a marked improvement, and in four weeks he was healed of the disease.

For this wonderful healing I am most profoundly thankful to God, and grateful that my family and I have found through Christian Science the way of truth.

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Testimony of Healing
About two years ago I came to Christian Science for the...
November 13, 1915

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