It is fourteen years since I first heard of Christian Science...

It is fourteen years since I first heard of Christian Science from my sister. I did not want to have anything to do with it, and condemned it without even looking into it or inquiring what it was, laughing and scoffing at it at every opportunity. When my sister came to live with me shortly after this I secretly read her books to see what was wrong in them. I did not understand a word, but kept on searching night after night, hoping to find something to condemn; then gradually there came the realization that at last I had found the truth.

During this time I was healed of varicose veins, for which elastic stockings and special boots had been worn constantly. The physical healing did not especially interest me then, as I took it for granted. One night shortly afterward, being much dissatisfied with myself and everything, I opened Science and Health quite aimlessly, and these words: "Emerge gently from matter into Spirit" (p. 485), arrested my attention. I read on most of the night and knew that I was free, that God was All-in-all, and that as one of His children I was gently being led. After that I began the study of Science and Health in earnest, and soon loved and understood the Bible as never before.

It is impossible to tell of half the benefits I have received through the understanding of divine Love, which governs all. Headaches for which I had taken almost every known drug, belief in lack, and discordant conditions in my work, have been overcome. A quick and violent temper has been largely replaced by more loving and charitable thoughts to all mankind. Lately I have had treatment for a skin disease said to be caused by the extreme heat and cold of my work as a laundress, and it has been entirely healed.

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Testimony of Healing
Having been most wonderfully healed in Christian Science,...
November 13, 1915

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