It is with heartfelt gratitude that I testify to benefits received...

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I testify to benefits received in Christian Science. A few years ago I met with an accident which resulted in a broken leg and a badly injured ankle. There was much good work done for me in Christian Science at that time; but although I did not seem to be greatly helped physically by the treatment, I now know that I was healed of much of which I was not then cognizant. I also know that had I been healed speedily of that difficulty, I should not be where I stand in Christian Science today. Although I wanted to be healed and relieved of the pain, I did not wish to give up my own way in any particular, but wanted my own and God's way too. I found out I could not have both, and by study I have learned that just in proportion as I am willing to trust our heavenly Father for guidance, do I experience the peace that passeth understanding.

I have been healed of many ills in the past two years. Physical disorders have vanished, such as chronic headache, throat trouble, and backache. I am, however, more truly grateful for the overcoming of self than for the physical benefits. I am being healed of an ungovernable temper, resentment, criticism, and many other unlovely traits of character.

I am grateful that Christian Science has unlocked the Bible, which before was a closed book to me, and that it has given me a God that I can and do love. I am most thankful to God for giving us our dear Leader's pure, transparent thought, through which has been transmitted to us this wonderful light of Truth. My one desire is to prove that love by living each day ready to do God's will and to help others to find this straight and narrow path that leads to all good.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a heart thankful to God for Christian Science...
October 23, 1915

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